Choice is a huge part of our lives. We make many little decisions every day, even if they aren’t big ones. We don’t know a life without any choice, but we don’t know one with free will either.
Choice is very necessary but too much can lead to bad results. You need to have some sort of structure or rules. You can't grow up without rules or nobody can help you make decisions in your life at times where you aren’t yet capable to make them yourself. A persons decision making skills don't develop fully until age 25. Because of this, we need people to help us make decisions until a point in our lives.
Even though we know that people can’t have full choice, people can’t have no choice either. Without choice, people would fight for it like in every dystopian novel ever. People need to make their own choices, even if it will be the wrong one. We need to make the wrong choices to learn from them. Bad choices help us see the good choices more clear.
Free will is completely impossible. Nobody will ever make a decision all by themselves. There will always be consequences and restrictions that influence your choices. You will never have a blank slate, to make any decision you want.
There is also no way to make a decision on your own because your brain makes the decision before you even know it. There’s a difference between making a decision and your brain making a decision.
What we do now is make decisions based on the very small spectrum of options we actually have to choose from. A lot of times you have to choose the lesser of two evils. We sometimes don't even know these are evils but because they are both choices we are glad to have them.
I don't know if it would be better if we had more freedom. If we could make more decisions by ourselves would we be happier or overwhelmed by the responsibility?
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