Good design should have a number of things. It should be appealing to your eyes to make you want to look at it. The color combinations and fonts can help to make people want to look at it more. Once you have someones attention with the appearance you need to make people actually want to read what you wrote. A good design should pull readers in on different areas on the page. you have to understand your readers and know what people will want to look at and what they will be to lazy to read. People like pictures, info graphics, and big numbers so good design will play to that.
Design can make choices for people before they even know it. So many choices are made strictly on the design of things. You want to read, own, or experience something that is appealing to your eyes.
One example of this is buy things like cars. Your car needs to have good mileage, a good engine, nice tires (you can tell how much I know about cars), but above all else it has to look good. For a lot of people, including me, there isn't much to the decision. I don't know what features are good for a car to have and what aren't. If I was buying a car I would have my dad tell me which ones are best according to all the car stuff, and then pick the one that looks the coolest. That's just what would happen.
I went to a store while I was on vacation and come across bacon band aids. They were just like normal band aids, except they had pictures of bacon strips on the front. Right next to them were normal band aids priced at $1.98 or something. These do the exact same thing but the bacon ones were like 6 bucks. That is more that a 300% increase for bacon pictures. That is completely ridiculous but to be quite honest I contemplated buying them. For awhile.
In a lot of case, design is more important than cost, effectiveness, or anything else. It helps make decisions everyday even if you don't know it.
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